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Deciding You Want More

If you’re going to be happy in life and satisfied with the progress you’re making, then at some point you’re going to have to go through the process of deciding you want more.

Any one of us can decide this at any time because no matter the amount of success we’ve experienced or the lack of it, every one of us can always be more than we currently are.

This process will look different to all of us because we are all at different stages of our development. We may even go through this several times as we continuously choose to up level our lives. So, let’s start at the beginning as we’ve all been there.

If you’re reading this, I’ll conclude that you’ve already got to the stage of deciding you want more. Congratulations! That’s the first step to a better life and I am so happy you’re here.

Having Awareness

Why is deciding you want more such an important piece of the puzzle? Well, it proves that you’ve already developed to the point that you’re self-aware. You may have done this without realising but it is undoubtedly a huge step in your evolution.

To get to the point that you’ve decided you want more, you must have reached a place where you are no longer prepared to continue in your current situation, and deciding you want more is the next logical step.

Maybe it’s been a long time coming and you’ve been living with so much resistance that you can’t take it any longer? Or maybe you’ve become bored with your daily life, you feel a sense of restlessness and you just want change?

Whatever the reason, know that you reached a crossroads and now you must decide which path you will take next.

Self Evaluation

Having the knowledge that you’re ready for change will certainly help you make the decision but before you decide whether to jump into the unknown and something new or continue along your current path, let’s discuss a few points you may want to consider first.

Deciding you want more is all well and good but what is it you want more of? You need to be specific and narrow down the field. What is it that you want? First, be clear about the areas of your life you want to change.

Categorise Your Wants

Is it work related? Are you unhappy in your job? Do you want to progress in your current position? Or do you want to leave the company? Do you want to stop working for someone else altogether and start your own business?

What about your relationships? Do you want to find a partner? Are you ready to get married? Is it time to start a family? Or do you want to end a relationship?

Is the change you desire related to your home? Do you want to move location? Are you ready to purchase a new home? Do you long to be nearer to your family?

Do your finances need attention? Is a lack of financial freedom holding you back from making the changes you know you need to make to move forward in your life? What are your options for finding some financial breathing space so you can get to a place where you’re able to live fully and in your purpose?

When you’re deciding you want more, there are many different areas of your life that deserve consideration and it may not be just one area that requires change. In fact, you may find that they are all intertwined and adjustment in one area means modification of some kind in all areas. It’s not always a quick fix and can take much consideration and planning before you’re ready to rise to the challenge.

Take Time To Contemplate

Spend some time figuring out what it is that is causing you to initiate these changes before making rash decisions.

Once you’ve become clear on what it is you want and the reasons. I want you to spend some time visualising how that future will look. How do you go about your day when you’ve achieved the change you desire? How do you feel? Which emotions does this new future bring up for you?

Is this the person you want to become? If the answer is yes, then you’re making progress. You’ve already decided that staying where you are isn’t an option. Play with this new reality in your imagination. Get to know yourself in this new reality you’re creating.

How will you feel when you’re there living that life? What can you do now to experience those same feelings in the present? What actions would you be taking as your future self? How can you incorporate that into your current life?

Take Action

Begin doing the things you can see yourself doing in the future. Start doing them now. Show up as that person today. That’s how you’ll create your new reality. By doing the next level things right now. By bringing that reality into your current life through actions.

Get used to the feelings of being the new version of you. When you start to embody the person you want to become, you’ll start becoming that person. Then your reality will start to change to match the person you are now. Being clear about what you want gives you the opportunity to claim that new reality.

Confront Fear

I know I’ve asked you to practice feeling different emotions and that can be a lot, as it’s scary and new. Don’t let fear stand in the way of getting what you want. Fear is something we all experience and can be a very useful emotion. But it can also prevent us from doing what we need to, if we let it take over.

Unfortunately, there is no way around this. We must go through the fear and out the other side. If we let it rule us, it can paralyse us. We can be left with the inability to make any decisions at all. It can hold us back, make us doubt ourselves and our choices. It’s ok to be afraid and it’s a necessary part of the process, but don’t let it dictate the action you take.

I usually find that I’m most scared when I’m on the verge of a breakthrough or ready to take huge leaps of faith into the unknown. This is how I know it’s the right thing to do. Fear can be your friend if you choose to listen and learn from it rather than letting it control you.

Final Thoughts

Remember that everything is always working out for you. You were questioning your life for a reason. You’ve asked yourself all the questions. Established what it is you want. Visualised what your new reality will look like and how you will feel as that version of yourself.

You know who you want to become, and you know staying the same isn’t an option. Start showing up as her and claim the life you want to create. It’s yours and it’s just around the corner.

If you’re ready to become the next version of you, book your FREE mini Coaching session now.


Ruth Cunningham is a mindset and success coach and the founder of Up and Up Life. Ruth helps women build the confidence they need to go after their dreams and live a life of freedom and independence on their own terms. Her primary focus is on empowering them to identify what is holding them back and giving them practical tools for success.