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Are You Doing Or Being?

As you live your life, are you doing so to the maximum extent of your purpose? As the days go by, do you fully enjoy each moment? Are you taking action to further your development? Or are you just going through the motions? Is your life a series of chores that you feel obligated to complete? Are you doing or being?

When you engage in activities that just provide a means to an end, they separate you from your truth and your connection to your purpose. We as human beings need certain conditions to survive, and we also like to acquire possessions to enhance our lives and make the most of our time here.

Are You Satisfied?

To secure those conditions and obtain the possessions, we often participate in endeavours that take us away from our reason for being here. If you bring your awareness to the reasons behind the things you do daily, are you satisfied with those reasons?

Are you going to work every day to a job that you hate to provide a roof over your head? Or are you in a job that you love that also compensates you well? Do you have any hobbies or pastimes that you do purely for enjoyment? Or does the concept of having time for yourself seem like an extravagant aspiration that only the privileged few achieve?

You Have Options

When you set a goal to achieve a certain outcome. Whether that be earning money to provide for yourself or doing something to enhance your experience. There are two ways to go about this. You can do what you need to do to get the desired result in the quickest, most efficient way. Or you can choose to be whatever is required to obtain the same result.


If you choose the ‘do’ option, I’m sure you’ll get what you want but will you enjoy it? Will you want to do it again? Would you be able to keep doing it and be happy about it? Will it fulfil you? How will it move you closer to where you want to go? Will it be worth it?


What if you could get the same outcome while feeling purposeful and like you’re contributing to something greater? What if you spent your time being what you want rather than just doing it? It’s not enough to simply do the things you must do to survive. You must become the life you want. You must live it and breathe it until you become it. Until it becomes so deeply engrained within you that there is no question whether you’ll achieve it because it’s already here. It’s already yours. You become it.

It’s easy to set goals and say I want this by this date. Then start doing a series of actions to get you there. But what if you decided that you are valuable. Your time is valuable. Your energy is valuable. That you value yourself enough to be here now with the idea of what you want and make the decision to become the process of achieving it.

If you start seeing yourself, your time and your energy as your biggest assets, you’ll feel motivated to use those assets in a way that is deserving of your commitment. When you devote yourself fully to the cause of being that which you desire, it can’t help but show up in your life. Anything this valuable is worthy of your full attention.

Accept What Is

When you see the benefits of being rather than doing, there are lots of ways to get started. The first and most important step to take is to accept what you have and where you are right now. Be thankful for it and allow what is. Don’t fight it or try to change it. Just allow it to be as it is.

Be Present

Try to make the most of your current experience. Be present and aware of how things are. If you find this difficult, look around and name some of the things you see. Say thank you for them and be aware of the events that had to occur to get you there. When you think about it, you’ll realise how far you’ve come.

Be Patient

Don’t be too hard on yourself if things aren’t moving along as fast as you would like. Things go wrong sometimes but leave the past where it belongs. Challenging situations occur to build our character and resilience and are a natural part of any growth or development that we experience.

What Lights You Up?

Focus on the things that you are good at and bring you joy. Doing activities that light you up is the easiest way to reside in the present moment. Creating from your heart will allow you to be the person you are here to be.

Live As You Wish To Be

What is it you’re trying to achieve? What actions would you be taking if you had already achieved it? Start taking those actions now. Don’t work toward your goal. Become your goal. How would you be operating if you were already there? What would you be thinking? What would you be doing? Which type of clothes would you be wearing? What would you be saying? Where are you going? Live as you wish to be and take the steps that person is already taking.

Become Your Vision

Are you doing or being in your current life? What’s important to you? What are you working on now? Is it something that will propel you into your future? When you act in alignment with the person you want to become, the being becomes a part of you.

It won’t be difficult to stay in alignment with your new values and being-ness once you start. It will feel like second nature to live as the future version of you and going back to your old way of doing things for the sake of it will feel pointless.

Once you’ve accepted things as they are so you can move forward, you’ll find it easier to be happy for no reason. In fact, you should expect to be happy every day. Happiness is a part of being. You know who you are, what you want and where you’re going. So, there’s every reason for happiness to be your default state of mind.

Final Thoughts

Start each day by asking yourself the question, ‘Am I doing or being?” Your body will always answer you honestly. How do you feel? Are you experiencing resistance? Are you doing this for the sake of it? Does it feel fulfilling? Does it feel in line with your values? If you feel frustration, anger, sadness etc. You’re probably doing instead of being. Try to bring yourself back to the present moment and reconnect with yourself.  Then you’ll find it easy to go back into your state of being.

By valuing yourself, your time, and your energy you’ll be motivated to stay in your being state. When you learn to become it most of the time, you’ll find you start achieving all that you want quickly. To stay on track just keep asking yourself “Am I doing or being?”

If you’re interested in learning more about adopting a state of being, schedule your free coaching session using the form below or if you’re ready to get started with private coaching, you can apply here




Ruth Cunningham is a mindset and success coach and the founder of Up and Up Life. Ruth helps women build the confidence they need to go after their dreams and live a life of freedom and independence on their own terms. Her primary focus is on empowering them to identify what is holding them back and giving them practical tools for success.