We all have ambitions of improving our lives for the better, of projects we want to start. New skills we want to learn or places we want to go, but what makes us start? What makes us take that first step and begin the process? I’ve tried lots of different ways to spark the fire under all the different activities I say I’ll do. But the one I’ve found to be most effective is intention setting.
Working toward your goals is a continuous process. You need to keep focused on your outcome and strive to do your best. But what keeps you motivated in the short term? How do you keep going day by day when your goal seems so far away? Like a distant promise in a life you don’t even know is yours yet.
Make Your Life Easier
Sure, you have big dreams and you’ve set seemingly unachievable targets for yourself. And you’re probably hoping you’ll find a miracle along the way. But how do you balance doing what you need to do to survive with the insurmountable task of achieving the things you don’t yet know are even possible?
If you’re going to stay on track in between those big milestones, you need to break things down into manageable pieces. That’s where intention setting comes in. Making yourself a mini goal for the day is an excellent way to stay focused on the task without letting everything else that you must do get in the way.
If you can make five minutes in your morning available for intention setting, your whole day will flow better. It sounds too easy, but it really works. By taking these small daily actions you build a foundation for bigger goals. By following through on a regular basis, achieving what you’ve set out to do becomes a way of life and once you’ve mastered this you can become unstoppable.
What Is Intention?
Let’s break this down. What is intention? Simply put, an intention is an idea that you want and plan to do. By setting intention around a specific idea, you commit to the act of carrying out that task in a predefined length of time. Usually during the same day as you set the intention.
Intentions are best kept small so you’re able to keep up your momentum, setting new intentions each day and measuring your progress over the course of a week or two. When you can see how far you’ve come in a short space of time, it can be a great motivator to put in the work on the bigger goals you have.
When you aspire to accomplish something each day no matter how small it may be, you take an active role in the direction of your own life. Making this small addition to your day and seeing it through consistently will skyrocket your productivity, your confidence, and your motivation.
Why Intention Setting Is Important
Intention Setting each morning is important because it goes deeper than having a goal. Having an intention is based more around your why than the result. Your intention is the reason behind that goal you have. The daily incentive you need to keep on working toward a future you know you want to create.
By starting and continuing a daily intention setting ritual, you give yourself an opportunity each day to show how committed you are to creating change in your life. Even one small act each day over the course of one year will put you massively ahead of where you’ll be if you don’t establish this routine.
The point is it doesn’t need to be big. Start small, make it part of your life and you’re automatically giving yourself a head start. When you become accustomed to setting your intention every day, you’ll be willing to set bigger goals and accelerate your progress.
Make Time In Your Schedule
If you’re ready to master this technique so that it becomes a habit, you’ll need to create structure in your morning. Some people find that making it the first thing they do when they wake up in the morning works best. I like to get up and think about my day while making coffee. When it’s made, I’ll light a candle and say out loud what I intend to do that day. I also write it down in my monthly planner so I can look back and see what I’ve achieved.
This is the way that works for me but don’t be afraid to experiment and see what works best for you. It’s a very personal thing and the whole point is to find the best way to help you stick to a daily routine that works and is enjoyable for you. If you don’t like doing it, you won’t be dedicated to the process, and you’ll stop before it becomes a habit.
Remember Your Goal
Be mindful of your outcome when setting your intention. You’ll benefit more from actions that propel you toward your desired outcome, rather than just doing something for the sake of it. Bring your intention to the forefront of your mind every hour or so. This will help you to stay on track and you’ll be able to cross items off your to do list with regular check ins.
When you consistently set intentions, you give yourself the power to actively manage the pace at which you proceed in your journey toward your goal. Feeling in control of your own destiny in this way is incredibly empowering. It can be the catalyst you need to really start moving the needle toward positive change in your life.
The small steps you take every day really do build up momentum and before you know it, your development has changed into something bigger and is the focus of your life. You’ll become more curious about what is possible for you, and your goals will grow as you do.
Another Chance To Try Again
Don’t forget that things don’t always go to plan. If you don’t complete your intention one day, then try again the next. It’s ok to take a little longer than anticipated. Just don’t be too hard on yourself. This is your journey; you dictate the actions you take and the speed they get done.
Remember to align your energy with your values when setting your intentions. The place the intention comes from is just as important as the intention itself. If you’re not feeling something, don’t force it. Take a break. Rethink if it’s relevant currently. If you can’t get behind it, find another way to achieve the same result or skip it and do something else. If it’s necessary, it will come up at another, more appropriate time. Listening to your feelings is essential if you’re going to take this process seriously.
Final Thoughts
All in all, intention setting can be a crucial tool in getting the most out of your day. If you’re able to spend some time figuring out how it can serve you best. If you’re prepared to follow through with faith. This simple addition to your day will drive you toward your target and it’s well worth the effort.
When you have clear intentions and the framework to implement this valuable device, you’re more likely to achieve your goals. And you’ll become more effective in all areas of your life.
You have limitless opportunities to try again. Each day you can set new intentions and each day you get the chance to give it your best. Intentional living is the outcome. When you have the intention to live a life of growth and development. You have the power to become whatever you choose to be.