Welcome to our May 2022 Update. As we edge ever closer to the end of spring, I’m reminded of how productive we are at this time of year. So much happens in April and May. Our surroundings are reborn with new life. The trees and flowers revive themselves from the long winter into a beautiful state of renewal. The fields are full of newborn animals and I can hear delicate birdsong through the open kitchen window.
What a wonderful time of year spring can be. How have you been spending your time during this period of renewal? What has your inner voice been guiding you towards? Have you felt called to start a project or do you feel like learning a new skill or hobby? Listen to the whispers of springtime and see what nature is guiding you to welcome to your life.
A time to create
I’ve dedicated my spring months to the creation process. With a tentative plan to produce several new products for Up and Up Life. These include products to make our lives easier, items to inspire and motivate, and some special additions to help us enhance our daily rituals.
New products
These new products will be coming soon so look out for the new releases over the summer months. There will be presale discounts available for all the readers of my monthly newsletter, so make sure you don’t miss out! You can get on the list here
Enrollment is open
Good news! Enrollment is now open for the June intake of the Coaching Intensive. If you’re ready to set huge goals for yourself, achieve your vision, and carve out your place in the world. Then I encourage you to apply now for this in-depth, accelerated coaching programme that will get your next move clarified, along with a solid plan to bring your vision to life by the end of the year. Sound good? Apply now!
Don’t forget you can get 20% off your first order in the Up and Up Life shop with discount code WELCOME20
Visit the website and browse the shop here
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You can unsubscribe at any time at the bottom of any of our emails but we hope you will find them informative and relevant to your interests. We welcome feedback and if there is anything you would like to see included on our website, in our blogs or our newsletters, please hit reply on any of our emails to send us your thoughts or ideas. You can also contact us by filling in the form here
That’s all for our May Update see you next month!