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July 2022 Update

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It’s the last day of July and I’ve spent most of my day planning for the new month ahead. At the end of each month I also like to review my progress and creativity. Have I achieved all I set out to this month? Did things go to plan? Are there tasks I didn’t complete? When I review what I did and didn’t accomplish, I find it easier to plan for next month. Was I too ambitious last month? Did I overstretch myself? Can I change my schedule to include more?

By keeping my approach flexible, I’m able to adjust my planner as needed to fit around my life. Another reason for asking myself all these questions is I can check in with myself often and get a feel for whether I’m enjoying myself. If I don’t love what I’m doing, I like to see if there is a different way I can tackle that particular task so that I really value the work I’m doing at all times.

If there’s one thing I appreciate, it’s being able to really enjoy what I’m doing. Life is too short to dislike what you do. By taking the time to appreciate all the aspects of my life, I know I’m doing something worthwhile. Up and Up Life is a work in progress, but being able to start new projects and bring my ideas to life will always be something that makes me feel good on the inside.

Significant progress has been made on the planner, with tenders going out to several cover designers. I’m not sure how long it will take to find the right one and get contracts drawn up but once that is done the creative part can begin. I’m still hopeful to publish this year but it takes as long as it takes, as they say.

Work on the book is going well, I’m at the halfway point in the writing process. Writing is a funny thing. Sometimes there are lots of words, other times there are none. I have to write when they are there. But that isn’t always when I’ve scheduled it in my day. Creativity can’t be scheduled. Inspiration strikes at the most inconvenient of moments but that’s the fun of it. Never knowing when you’ll need to stop what you’re doing and reach for your notebook and pen.

Even with the best planning system in the world, you still need to be lead by what’s in your heart. If it feels right to create something now then go with that feeling and start creating right there and then. If you’re in a dry spot, don’t force it. Your creativity will surface when it’s the right time. Notice how you’re feeling when it does. Where are you? What are you doing? Was there something in particular that stirred your muse? 

The patterns we fall into can be a great indicator of how well or not so well our creativity is going. Try to cultivate the atmosphere that brings out your creativity. Set yourself up with a routine that encourages your creative mindset. Set your intention at the start of each day. Develop good habits and be consistent. If you follow these steps you’ll find that your creativity becomes easier to access on your schedule.

If you want more help with this, the August Coaching Intensive is still taking applications. Apply below.

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Ruth Cunningham is a mindset and success coach and the founder of Up and Up Life. Ruth helps women build the confidence they need to go after their dreams and live a life of freedom and independence on their own terms. Her primary focus is on empowering them to identify what is holding them back and giving them practical tools for success.